I have technical challenges with a survey!

Opinion Space

Last Update 3 yıl önce

Some surveys you are invited to are programmed by us and others are programmed by our clients and hosted on their platforms. Because people are using a variety of different systems, devices, and software like many browsers we may have a case of compatibility challenges.

Sometimes this is because of slow internet speeds in your area which leads to the distortion of survey scripts as they are loaded on your end. Also occasionally the complexity of the integration systems involved make them susceptible to human error!

We are sorry if you have come across this. If you come across such a challenge again:

  1. Take a screenshot of the error page.
  2. Wait a minute or two then reopen the survey. In most cases, this should be enough to get you back on track.
  3. If still having troubles? Open the chat form and forward the issue to one of our agents for further investigation. You may need to upload the screenshot to help us identify the specific error you are facing.

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